2.3 MSG Tax
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About Tax
Tax will occur when to transfer or swap MSG token, add or remove liquitity in MSG-BNB pair.
To encourange adding liquidity, MsgSender has depolyed TaxFree router in MsgSender Android APP,through TaxFree router, you are exempted from due tax.
Please be ware of that adding or removing liquidity through pancakeswap router is NOT exempted from Tax, but you can remove liquity from TaxFree router after adding liquidity from Pancake router, two routers actually interacted with the same Pancake pair(MSG-BNB).
1.5% to reward LP
After adding liquidity, use metamask to open the following link https://farm.msgsender.io
Stake your lp to RewarPool 0x5117a295aFc9233f6f5935826973A83152d8445b,then you will be able to share the 1.5% Tax.
Get reward action is tax free.
1.5% to LP pool,Reward token will be distributed to pool every two weeks. 1.5% tax of the first two weeks will be distributed to the 2nd two weeks.
2% to marketing address
will be used to promoting MSG token.
0.5% to developer address
will be used to pay amazon cloud service and hiring Web and IOS developer
will be used to enhance user experience regarding RealTime, MultiChain etc.
will be used to hire staff in south-east Asia, NA and EU.
Tax proposal are approved by community as below snapshot.